A great month this time around. Managed to get a load of stuff added to the collection. I also managed to add a couple to my top 10’s. World Cup USA 94 – Sega Mega Drive World Cup USA 94 is a top-down football (soccer) game recreating the namesake tournament. Beside the 24 teams who…
Pickups October 2021
An expensive month for me this time, as I dipped my toe into collectable Lego, which is not cheap. I also managed to get a couple of boxed additions to the collection. Disney / Pixar Finding Nemo – Nintendo GameCube Guide Nemo and Marlin through their underwater adventure. Meet all of the characters from the…
Pickups September 2021
Not a huge haul this month, but I did get a few games and a couple of boxed consoles so I can’t really complain too much. Galaxian – Atari 2600 Galaxian is a shoot ’em up in which the player is at the bottom of the screen, with an arrangement of aliens at the top….
Pickups August 2021
A few good additions this month, also it was my 38th birthday so I got a few gaming related presents which is always nice. Streets Of Rage – Sega Mega Drive Streets of Rage, Sega’s answer to Final Fight, follows the story of three young police officers (Adam Hunter, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding) in…
Pickups July 2021
Not a great deal of hardware added to the collection this month, but I still managed to get a few nice bits. Metal Gear Ac!d – Sony PSP The year is 2016. An airplane is hijacked by unknown terrorists. On the board of the plane is senator Hach, an important US politician, who might be…
Pickups June 2021
A load of good stuff added to the collection this month. Lets dive in. Micro Arcade – Tetris Retro Arcade Games the size of a credit card!Never before has a full-size arcade game been played in an incredible compact credit card size! Measuring only 3.25 x 2 x .375 of an inch, MicroArcade is the…
Pickups May 2021
A good few bits added to the collection this month. Mortal Kombat 3 – Sony Playstation Shao Kahn has won. The Earthrealm is no more. In order to revive his Queen Sindel, the emperor Shao Kahn used the Outworld Tournament from Mortal Kombat 2 as a diversion while his Shadow Priests revive his fallen Queen…
Pickups April 2021
My buying has certainly slowed down this month. But I still managed to get a good few bits added to the collection. Star Raiders – Atari 2600 As the pilot of an interstellar starship, your mission is to destroy all enemy spacecraft on the galactic chart and prevent them from destroying your starbases. There are…
Pickups – March 2021
Another great month this time around. I finally managed to get one of the worst flops of all time from Nintendo. I also added an intriguing Dreamcast peripheral to my collection. Tetris Worlds – Sony Playstation 2 It’s Tetris as we all remember it. Drop different shaped blocks into the container, and fit them together…
Pickups February 2021
Another epic month this time, a lot to get through so lets get started. Gameboy Camera Wifi Printer Photo Saver This nifty little device allows you to get digital images from your Nintendo Game Boy camera. Essentially it acts as the Game Boy printer, you take your photos as normal on the Game Boy camera…