Wave Race – Nintendo Game Boy (1992)

Wave Race for the Game Boy was a pioneering title that brought the thrill of jet ski racing to the handheld console. Lacking a narrative, the game focused on pure gameplay, challenging players to navigate various courses against computer or human opponents. Players could choose from different jet ski classes, each with varying speeds and handling. While the Game Boy’s limitations restricted the game’s visual fidelity, it managed to capture the essence of watercraft racing with its top-down perspective and simple yet effective controls. Reception to the game was mixed, with some praising its innovative concept and multiplayer mode, while others found it frustrating due to its technical limitations. Despite its shortcomings, Wave Race for the Game Boy remains a notable entry in the series and a testament to the Game Boy’s capabilities.


Primal Rage – Nintendo Game Boy (1995)

Primal Rage for the Game Boy is a scaled-down version of the arcade beat-em-up. While the original game was renowned for its over-the-top violence and prehistoric creatures, the Game Boy port naturally had to compromise on these elements. Players still control monstrous characters like Gorila and Diablo, battling through a series of opponents to emerge victorious. However, the handheld limitations resulted in simplified controls, smaller sprites, and a less dynamic fighting experience. Despite these drawbacks, the game managed to capture some of the arcade’s essence, offering portable brawling fun. Reception of the port was mixed, with critics acknowledging the challenges of translating such a complex game to the Game Boy while also recognizing its efforts to maintain the core gameplay.


Game Boy Gallery – Nintendo Game Boy (1995)

Game Boy Gallery is a unique compilation title that brought the classic Game & Watch handheld games to the Game Boy. Lacking a traditional narrative, the game focuses solely on recreating the iconic mini-games in a more advanced format. Players can enjoy a collection of these timeless challenges, featuring simple yet addictive gameplay mechanics. While the game’s reception was modest, it served as a nostalgic trip for fans of the original Game & Watch series and offered a glimpse into the evolution of portable gaming.
This game contains five classic Game & Watch games: Ball, Vermin, Flagman, Manhole and Cement Factory. Ball puts you in the place of a circus juggler, in Vermin you are pest controller trying to keep moles under control. Flagman is a game in which you must repeat the number sequences the flagman shows, in Manhole you must prevent pedestrians from falling down after the manhole covers have been removed. Finally in Cement Factory you must move cement from the top to the bottom of the factory without the tanks of cement overloading.
